High Voltage
A North facing, incredibly dangerous set of avalanche chutes next to Corkscrew Gully. Be wary of the cliff band at the top and potential cornice threats to the run.Use the parking area at Peru Creek Road and hike up the nearest ridge to access this line. If you park your car in Montezuma, it will be towed. When you get up to tree line you’ll pass Cadillac Chute which has 2 main entrances, and then you can make your way into the entrance to this line.The area marked on the map is the main chute that runs down past the power lines. To the skier’s left are other options that end with an exit through steep trees. Over there you will find many more obstacles.When you exit, cross the creek and get up to the road to return to your car. It’s about a mile and a half West down Peru Creek Road to get back to the parking area, mostly flat or downhill.
*All Mapped Areas are Approximations
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*All Mapped Areas are Approximations